Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Soft skills training - Working Together

In my soft skills mentoring session, this time I am going with “Working Together”. It is very difficult for me to differentiate the concepts “Team Work” and “Working Together”.  Hope you would have gone through my previous presentation related to “Team work”. 

Now, you can understand the power of Working together by end of this slide and the benefits of doing same. This slide will applicable all the scenarios irrespective of the job what you are doing like working in IT, Sales etc. 

I request you share your “Working together” experience and their results in comments section. So that my readers will also benefit from it. 

Nanjundan Chinnasamy

Learn iText with examples - Excellent link!


Soft skills training - Teamwork

Hello Friends,

I am recently mentoring my team into Soft skills area where I really feel little action is required to grow in their carrier. I am sharing the presentation to all. Kindly have a look.

This time I am adding the blog which covers the great part called “Team Work”. Why Team work is really important, result of teamwork and the result of not doing the same.

Feel free to post your comments/queries. I am happy to answer your queries.

Nanjundan Chinnasamy

Monday, January 21, 2013

Working with apache commons configuration

This week, i have explored the apache commons-configuration third part jar. It sounds more interesting to read the configuration details from multiple properties files in our project at once.

Sample Configuration file:

configuration.xml – File to configure the list of properties file to be loaded from your application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <system />
  <properties fileName="" />
  <properties fileName="" />
  <properties fileName="" />
  <properties fileName="" />
  <properties fileName="com/x/y/z/"/>
  <properties fileName="com/x/y/z/"/>

* This class is to read values from the properties files listed in central configuration file. Need to define the *all configuration/properties file in the configuation.xml
public final class ConfigurationManager {
    private static final String CONFIG_FILE = "configuration.xml";
    private static Configuration configuration;
    private ConfigurationManager() {
     final URL configFileURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(CONFIG_FILE);
     final DefaultConfigurationBuilder builder = new DefaultConfigurationBuilder(configFileURL);
     configuration = builder.getConfiguration(true);

Now, how do we get the value from property file using key?

Each method returns an object by looking up in the property file associated with the key if the corresponding key is missing it will return defaultValue which is the argument.

    configuration.getInteger(Key, defaultValue) - If not present in prop file
                        .getList etc.

   You can have to explore for additional methods.

commons-configuration-1.5.jar. Please refer the features here for configuration (

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

online image editor

I have come across a new new online tool this week. Thought, it is worth to share this tool with my readers and followers.

To create/edit graphic images we may need licensed software like photoshop etc. Do you think, is it really worth to spend much cost to create/edit  simple images to the designers like me? Definitely, me answer is NO.

How about create/edit an image through online without installing any specialized software(s)? Sounds interesting? Have a look at the website


Friday, October 5, 2012

Screenprint using Fireshot

Last week I have come across a tool called “Fire Shot”. I admired about the techniques and the various options provided by that tool.

It is used to capture the screen prints and can be directly saved as image, pdf etc.. The beauty is if you have a lengthy screen which requires page scrolling, the entire page can be captured as a single image.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Google plus launches tool for business?

From the post title, open source developers and small business entrepreneurs will be vey happy to see such a great initiative from google. Yes, It’s google plus tool available freely by 2013. We could have use these tools effectively for sharing the data and meeting the friends and colleagues across the world. Sounds good?!

You can see more details from the below mentioned link. Happy reading!


Pega Decisioning Consultant - Mission Test Quiz & Answers

The Pega Certified Decisioning Consultant (PCDC) certification is for professionals participating in the design and development of a Pega ...