Sunday, December 5, 2021

Pega Decisioning Consultant - Cross-Sell on the Web Extended Module Quiz & Answers

The Pega Certified Decisioning Consultant (PCDC) certification is for professionals participating in the design and development of a Pega Customer Decision Hub™ solution. This certification ensures you have the skills to apply design principles of Next-Best-Action Designer, Decision Strategies, and Predictive Analytics.

Pega Decisioning Consultant - Cross-Sell on the Web Extended Module Quiz & Answers

U+ Bank wants to leverage Pega Customer Decision Hub's Next Best Action capability to promote new offers to each customer who visits the website based on eligibility. For this requirement, the bank needs to define several complex eligibility criteria.

As a decision consultant, how would you configure this requirement?

·             Create new decision strategies

Since the requirement calls for complex eligibility criteria, new decision strategies need to be created.

·             Make changes to the Next-Best-Action Framework decision strategy

·             Configure suppression rules in Next-Best-Action Designer

·             Use Prediction Studio to configure the requirement


A strategy designer has created 10 actions in the Sales/Credit Cards group and 10 actions in the Sales/Mortgages group. He would like to import all 10 actions from the Credit Cards group and only two actions from the Mortgage group into one decision strategy. What is the minimum number of Proposition Data components he needs to use in his strategy?

·             three

You can use one Proposition Data component to import all 10 credit card actions, and two additional Proposition Data components to import the two mortgage actions.

·             one

·             two

·             twelve

U+ Bank wants to offer a 10% discount for customers whose CLV value is higher than 400. Which strategy component should you use to meet the new requirement?

·             Set Property

Set Property components enrich data by adding information to other components, allowing you to define personalized content that will be delivered with a decision.

·             Group By

·             Filter

·             Prioritize

U+ Bank, a retail bank, offers the Standard card, the Rewards card and the Rewards Plus card to its customers. The bank wants to display the banner for the offer that each customer is most likely to click; therefore, their Arbitration uses Propensity from the AI models. If you are debugging the Next-Best-Action decision strategy, which strategy component will show you if the result of the Arbitration is correct?

·             Group By

·             Filter

·             Prioritize

Prioritize components rank the strategy results from the components that connect to them based on the value of a strategy property, or a combination of strategy properties.

·             Set Property

U+ Bank has several eligibility criteria defined using an eligibility strategy. The eligibility strategy uses a scorecard rule to determine the customer credit score. The bank wants to update the scorecard to include customer income in the credit score calculations. How do you implement this change?

·             Recreate the scorecard rule from scratch.

·             Change both the scorecard as well as the decision strategy using the scorecard.

·             Change only the decision strategy using the scorecard.

·             Update only to the existing scorecard.

The scorecard’s internal calculations do not affect the strategy.

A bank is currently doing cross-sell on the web by showing various credit cards to its customers. Due to the credit limits of each card, the bank wants to present credit cards only to suitable customers who have a credit score greater than 500. Which component helps you to calculate a customer’s credit score?

·             Filter

·             Results

·             Set Property

·             Scorecard

Scorecard components are used to calculate a customer’s credit score based on the customer properties.

A bank developed a scorecard to automate the loan approval process. In a decision strategy, how do you use the raw score value computed by the scorecard?

·             Map a new property in the Score Mapping tab.

Score mapping allows you to map the score value, computed by the scorecard, to a property, for example, CreditScore.

·             Use the PropertyHasValue function.

·             Use the pxSegment property.

·             Use the pyOutcome property.


A bank developed a scorecard to automate the loan approval process. In the scorecard rule, there is a classification implemented using three score bands: Not Approved, Refer to Manager, and Approved. Which property allows you to use the result of this classification in a decision strategy?

·             PropertyHasValue

·             pyOutcome

·             pxSegment

The pxSegment property contains the result of the scorecard calculation such as Not Approved, Refer to Manager, or Approved.

·             pyPropensity

U+ bank uses a decision table to return a label for a customer. Examine the above decision table and select which label is returned for a customer with a CLV score of 550 and a LOW propensity to leave.

·             A

The CLV is 550. Since a test on an empty CLV value returns true, this means both conditions (>= and <= condition) from the first row are satisfied. The value LOW satisfies the propensity to leave. Since both conditions, the CLV property and the propensity to leave property, are satisfied, and because the decision table evaluation stops when the first condition is satisfied, the first result is returned.

·             B

·             C

·             D


U+ Bank promotes credit card offers on its website and uses Pega Customer Decision Hub to personalize the offer for every customer. Now, the bank wants to lower the number of customers that leave the bank by showing a proactive retention offer to high churn risk customers instead. As an NBA analyst, you are tasked with creating a new applicability setting to comply with the new business rule. Which business issue or issues do you modify?

·             The Sales issue

·             The Retention issue

·             No modification is required

·             The Sales issue and the Retention issue

The business rule is twofold

MyCo, a telecom company, has a new requirement to track customer responses over a period of 20 days. What do you need to create to start tracking customer responses for the given period of time?

·             Data Join component

·             Interaction History component

·             Interaction History summary rule

The Interaction History summary rule tracks customer responses such as impressions and clicks over a period of time.

·             Group By component

A telco wants to add a contact policy that will suppress an action for 30 days if it was rejected twice in any channel in the last 15 days. How do you define the suppression rule for the contact policy?

·             Suppress an action for 30 days if there are 2 rejects for any channel in the last 15 days

This rule definition suppresses an action for a given time period in any channel.

·             Suppress a group of actions for 30 days if there are 2 rejects for any channel in the last 15 days

·             Suppress an action for 30 days if there are 2 rejects in the web channel in the last 15 days

·             Suppress a group of actions for 30 days if there are 2 rejects in the web channel in the last 15 days

Reference module:  Creating and understanding decision strategies

In a decision strategy, to use a customer property in an expression, you _______________.

·             prefix the property with the keyword Customer

In order to access a customer property you need to prefix the property with “Customer.”. Example¤ Customer.Age.

·             define the Customer page in Pages and Classes

·             use the property as defined without a prefix

·             define the property as a strategy property


Reference module:  Creating and understanding decision strategies

Enrichment decision components provide the ability to ______________________.

·             set a text value to a strategy property

To set a text or numeric value to an action property you use a Set Property component from the enrichment category.

·             filter actions based on priority and relevance

·             enrich a decision strategy with comments

·             set customer properties


Reference module:  Creating and understanding decision strategies

In a Prioritize component, the top action can be determined based on the value of _______________.

·             the propensity

To prioritize actions, you use a prioritization expression in a Prioritize component. Although technically Customer.Value is a valid numeric expression, it would not make sense to prioritize on this becuase all actions would have the same Customer.Value.

·             average margin of all actions

·             Primary.Income

·             Customer.Value

Reference module:  Creating and understanding decision strategies

What does a dotted line from a Group By component to a Filter component mean?

·             Information from the Group By component is copied over to the Filter component.

·             There is a one-to-one relationship between the Group By and Filter components.

·             The Filter component references a property in the Group By component.

If a component references a property from a different component, then a dotted line is automatically added to the strategy canvas. Note, this is just a visualization representation, it does not have anny other meaning in terms of values being copied, or execution order of the components.

·             Evaluate the Filter component first to evaluate the Group By component.

Reference module:  Creating and understanding decision strategies

MyCo, a mobile company, wants you to calculate the total revenue of three new actions offered in the first quarter. What do you configure to compute the total revenue?

·             A single Set Property component

·             Three Set property components

·             Three Group By components

·             A single Group By component

To compute the total revenue, you use a single Group By action and set a property using the aggregation function sum.

Reference module: Creating engagement strategies using customer credit score

MyCo, a mobile company, uses a scorecard rule in a decision strategy to compute the postpaid credit limit for a customer. MyCo updated their scorecard to include a new property in the calculation: customer annual income.As a Strategy Designer, what changes do you need to make to the decision strategy for the updated scorecard to take effect?

·             Remap the <Customer.annual customer income> property in the decision strategy.

·             Configure a new proposition filter in the strategy to filter on annual customer income.

·             No change required.

Since you only want to change the scorecard calculation, you do not need to make any changes to the decision strategy. You just need to alter the calculation in the scorecard rule itself.

·             Add a Set-Property component to set the annual customer income.

Reference module:  Adding more tracking time periods for contact policies

A bank is currently displaying a group of mortgage offers to its customers on their website. The bank wants to suppress the mortgage group for 15 days if a customer ignores three offers from the mortgage group. How do you define the suppression rule for this requirement?

·             Suppress an action for 15 days if there are 3 rejects for web channel.

·             Suppress a group of actions for 15 days if there are 3 rejects for any channel.

·             Suppress a group of actions for 15 days if there are 3 impressions for the web channel without a click.

This rule definition suppresses a group of actions if 3 impressions are recorded in the web channel.

·             Suppress an action for 15 days if there are 3 impressions for any channel without a click.


Reference module:  Creating eligibility rules using customer risk segments

U+ Bank uses a decision table to return a label for a customer. Examine this decision table and select which label is returned for a customer with a credit score of 115 and an average balance of 15000.

·             D

·             A

·             C

The credit score is 115, so it satisfies the >= condition. The value 15000 satisfies the average balance condition. Remember the decision table evaluation stops when a condition is satisfied.

·             B

Reference module:  Leveraging predictive model

U+, a retail bank, wants to show a retention offer to customers who are likely to leave the bank in the near future based on historical customer interaction data. Which type of model do you use to implement this requirement?

·             A text analytics model

·             A predictive model

Predictive models require historical data that contains the customer behavior you want to predict.

·             An adaptive model

·             An entity model

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Pega Decisioning Consultant - Mission Test Quiz & Answers

The Pega Certified Decisioning Consultant (PCDC) certification is for professionals participating in the design and development of a Pega ...