How to make the Offer recommended to the Customer is Personalized? One basic eligibility check is by avoiding Redundant Product Offers to Customers
- If customer already have the Products, don't offer them.
- We can extend the Customer DataModel by
defining the 1-1 OR 1-n relationship of the customer owned Products/services.
For example, a list of purchases made, a list of accounts owned, a list of
family members, and a list of services owned.
- You can define the Relationship between
Customer class & Product class
- You can build the Custom DataFlow to populate
the customer Profile information composing other Data properties
- Nested Data Type also possible. We need to
discuss and agree with the Data Model & compose the same with the respective
class object
- When u use the Data Join, the target mapping
always be the SR class properties and the source can be customer class properties
OR another SR class properties
- Data-Join component allows you to join 2 sets
of data and map to the SR class properties
- Filter component Filter can be plain Filter
condition (Takes Customer class properties & SR class properties) OR it can
be a Proposition Filter.
- @and(booleanA, booleanB) validates to TRUE if
both the conditions met
- When u connects with the newly created DB
table, create the Table and respective classes through DB Class mapping wizard.
- Go to Data Model -> Classes &
Properties -> Database Class Mappings landing page. Click New External Database
Table Class Mapping.
- Use DataImport
component to Import the Data from External DB Table contents.
To avoid the same product recommendation which customers own already, from PEGA we need to define the data relationship using DataFlow. For example, to cater to a use case where a customer owns multiple products and details of all products are available in a Product master table. So, there is a one-to-one relationship between the ProductHoldings and Product entities.
Now to implement the business case discussed (Filter the products already owned by the customer), you must filter out the products already owned by the customer. For this, you use a strategy pattern that is composed of three components: Data Import, Data Join and Filter, we can filter out the products which customer is holding already. DataImport+DataJoin+Filter is the Strategy design pattern used to achieve.
Update the Strategy to include a component that retrieves Interaction History data for previous phone offers. We then filter out phone offers for customers that have accepted a phone offer in the past. We can of course make the filtering process much more sophisticated by considering phone upgrades, etc. But for the sake of our demonstration, we will keep the strategy simple; anyone who has been made a phone offer within the last 120 days will not be made another phone offer of any kind. IH+GroupBy+Filter is the Strategy pattern used to prevent Redundant offer recommendation in PEGA Strategy logic.
Happy Learning!