Sunday, September 27, 2020

PEGA Decisioning - Avoiding Loan Default with Predictive Analytics

For predictive analytics algorithms to work we must have access to historical data which exhibits known customer behavior. We must also know what problem we are trying to solve in our case probability to default.

These fields are called predictors and are combined into a predictive model which you can use in your business processes.

Predective Model involves 5 Steps:

Data preparation, Data analysis, Model development, Model analysis, Model export

Predictive analytics director supports two types of models:

·         Scoring Models - for the prediction of binary behavior

·         Spectrum Models - for the prediction of continuous behavior

Scoring Models:

The value calculated by the model, known as the score, places a case on a numerical scale. High scores are associated with better business (good behavior) and low scores are associated with worse (bad behavior). Typically, the range of scores is broken into intervals of increasing likelihood of one of the two types of behavior. Scoring models require behavior to be classified into two distinct forms like positive and negative. Classic examples of such behavior are:

·         Responding to a mailing or not

·         Repaying loans or going into arrears

Spectrum Models:

Spectrum models extend the ideas of scoring models to the prediction of continuous behavior

·         Likely purchase value of responders to a direct mail campaign

·         The likely eventual write-off of cases recently falling into arrears

Model Template:

In the Predictive Analytics Director portal we have defined a number of model templates which you can use. These include Risk, Retention, Recruitment, and Recommendation.


Select the appropriate Model Template and start working on the Project

1) Model Creation:

·         Select source as CSV file or DB

·         Set the Sampling size using % & tot. cases. Define the properties to be used and the type of the property

·         You identify the field which you are trying to predict. In this example, the field is behavior. The field exhibits binary characteristics (N/Y) so the scoring model is the most appropriate.

·         Now define Good & Bad behavior under Outcome definition.

2) Data Analysis:

·         Predictive Analytics Director facilitates automatic discovery of correlation patterns of individual predictors and their ability to predict the outcome. Any unique identifiers will not be a valid predictors. customer ID appears to be a reasonably well performing predictor. However, since we know that customer ID is a random number or a member of a sequence, it cannot have any impact on the good or bad behavior. Thus we remove IDs from the candidate list for predictors. Any property which is common to use to differentiate the good and bad behaviors can go as a predictor

·         So data analysis involved in defining the properties & Binning (Split the data into Buckets) and then grouping by predictors.

3) Model Development:

·         Predictive Analytics Director provides a rich model factory supporting industry standard models such a regression and decision tree models.

·         The system automatically creates two models: the Regression and the Decision Tree-CHAID model. At this stage, you can create additional models if required.

·         We can group the predictors into Group,. Which means either Predictor A/B/C outcome will be considered. Eg. HouseOwner/Rented etc.

·         Also look at the scorecard representation model to check the scores of the predictor and define the weight of the predictor from 0-1000

4) Model Analysis:

·         Model Analysis is to enable you to create a shortlist of models and then select the best model for your use case. At this stage, you also group the scores into statistically significant set of score bands; firstly, let’s examine the relative performance of individual models.

·         A very important aspect of each model is its performance, i.e. how good is a model or a given predictor in predicting the required behavior. We use a term “Coefficient of Concordance” or (CoC) for the measure of the performance of predictors and models. You could describe CoC as a measure of how good the model is in discriminating between good cases from bad cases. The value of CoC ranges between 50%: a random distribution, and 100%: the perfect discrimination.

·         Analyze the Models created and select the models where how good the model is in discriminating between good cases from bad cases.

·         There are following steps in Model analysis: Score Comparison, Score Distribution and Class Comparison.

5) Model Export:

·         In the final stage, you can produce the reports about the model and export the model into a model file or an instance of the Predictive Model rule. Check the customer properties and the predictors created in the model under input mapping.

·         The report contains:

1.     A project summary

2.     A visualization of the whole Decision Tree

3.     The sensitivity of the model for each of the input fields

4.     Model segmentation

5.     Detailed insight in the analysis, grouping, and validation of each of the attributes

6.     Date when the model was developed and by

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