I have come across the scenarios where Marking team is finding difficulties in understanding how does PEGA Marketing/Decisioning Strategy work. As a technical guy, I found bit difficult in explaining the PEGA’s complex Decisioning Strategy logic in non-technical terms where all Markers can understand the complex logic.
I would like to explain the PEGA Strategy logic with the “Marketing
Funnel”. Yes, PEGA Strategy rules filters the offers using Marketing Funnel
technique. All The eligible offers will send over to the top level strategy and
each strategy has logic to filter the offers (applying rules) similar to the Marketing
funnel. PEGA Strategy has many pre-built Strategy components & uses the
same to select offers and send to next stage.
A Marketing funnel is a way for us to track the Offer eligibility of customers. By understanding where in the funnel, or where in the customer’s eligibility, Marketers can decide what kind of marketing message to send them.
The marketing funnel is simply a visual representation of a sometimes difficult subject to visualize. Think of it as a map of your businesses marketing and sales processes, procedures and strategies. Left of the funnel includes your broadest marketing efforts and is narrowed as potential Offers move through it. The breadth the funnel goes the more focused your potential Offers become. Eventually you will weed out all the Offers that are not willing to recommendations and left with the most valuable sales qualified Offers.
Marketing funnels are so effective is because it makes
you take a hard look at exactly how our business recommendations various offers
based on the context. What eligibility criteria to adjust to recommended the
offer to balance customer needs & business objective.
Defining Engagement Policies:
- Eligibility rules, which are strict rules representing what it is possible to offer.
- Applicability rules, which represent business practices that limit what to offer based on a customer’s current situation. These are not as strict as eligibility rules.
- Suitability rules, which represent what the business should and should not do ethically and empathetically. These are the least strict rules.
Pega Decision Management combines business rules (Engagement policies- specify the conditions under which an offer or group of Offers is available for a customer), predictive and adaptive analytics with real-time Decisioning to initiate and adjust processes based on the business criteria we have established. Inbuilt PEGA Decisioning rules help us to select the right offer ensuring the right decision for the right customer at the right time.
Pega Decision Management makes defining complex decision strategies simple and efficient to help organizations:
- Dramatically improve customer experience in every channel with strategies based on real-time, actionable insight into operational and behavioral data.
- Rapidly deploy intelligent processes with pre-built business accelerators to create and maintain comprehensive decision strategies without the need for any coding.
- Make dynamic changes to decisions, processes and interactions based on real-time customer data and feedback.
- Leverage adaptive and predictive capabilities to make the best possible decisions based on historical and real-time responses.
- Seamlessly integrate existing applications and processes to improve operational efficiencies and respond to customers across all channels.