Saturday, October 31, 2020

PEGA Decisioning - Decision Table to be defined on the Strategy Result (SR class) or a Customer class? How to Deciside?

One common design question usually asked by many of our Decisioning Architects is, where should i define my Decision Table? Whether the Decision Table to be defined on the Strategy Result (SR class) or a Customer class? How to choose the Applies to Class while creating my Decision Table in my Decisioning application. 

The Decision Table can be defined on the Strategy Result, SR class, or a Customer class. The choice often depends on where the properties used in the Decision Table are located. Let us discuss the following three design options:

If the Decision table is using the properties from the Customer Class and Decision Table returns result from Decision Table OR result of the Decision Table directly sets the property available in the same customer class, you should create Decision Table in a Customer class. 

If the Decision table is using the properties from the Customer Class, if you want to refer the very few computed properties from SR class, creating Decision Table in Customer Class OR SR class OR both options are valid. The design decision here could be, if you want to set result of the Decision Table to a specific property directly from the Decision Table. If you want to set the result of DecisionTable to a SR class, Create the Decision Table in SR class. If we want to set the result of DecisionTable to a Customer class, Create the Decision Table in Customer class. If the Decision Table returns the result and result of the Decision table referred using pxSegment result property, creating DecisionTable in Customer,SR class both valid. 


Let us take an example below. Customer CreditScore is a derived property from SR class. OutstandingLoanAmount is a Customer class property. Based on these two property values, Decision Table returns RiskScore.  

Decision Table to compute the RiskScore

PEGA DecisionTable

Creating the table requires two condition columns. First is the Principal Loan, which is the property in the data model representing the outstanding loan amount. 

The Operator represents the condition applied to the column. In this case, greater than, which allows you to express the Outstanding loan amount condition from the requirement.

The second condition column is the Credit Score property. The Credit Score is a parameter, so you need to use the Param.PropertyName construct.

The Use Range checkbox groups the credit scores together.

Fill in the bank’s requirements and specify a Return value for each row in the table.

Filter credit cards based on the calculated risk segment

Configure two Filter components to ensure that you identify High Risk and Low Risk customers.

Based on the Customers in the risk category, we can compute the customers eligiblity. The pxSegment Strategy property contains the output of the Decision Table.

Still confused with the Desion option to Define the Decision Table in a PEGA Decisioning application? Feel free to reachout to me.

Happy Learning, 

Nanjundan Chinnasamy 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

PEGA Decisioning - Managing the Business Rules(Revision Management) for quick Production deployment

PEGA Decisioning - Managing the Business Rules(Revision Management)

AppOverlay & Decision Manager Portal configuration:

·         Decision Manager portal mainly used for PROD Simulation & PROD. Use an applicationOverlay for development

·         Business sandbox & AppOverlay env & Direct deploy for Decision Data update

·         Need to configure ADM monitoring, IH, VBD

Building An app overlay application:

·         Create New App Overlay wizard and create an app

·         Define the accessgroup & list of available rules to expose to AppOverlay to make the changes. Primarily on Decision data.

·         Default application Overlay will be created after Landing opage. The name of the overlay starts with ‘RTC-‘.

·         Start the Application Overlay wizard via the Decisioning > Infrastructure > Revision Management->Application Overlays landing page.

·         Define the AppOverlay applicaiton, Revision ruleset, accessgroup & the Rules to be included as part of AppOverlay

·         Selet the rules to make available for the revision Management, select the rules and click "Include for Revision Management"

·         Review the AppOverlay and credit the AppOverlay application

·         Setup new accessgroups & their roles and the required operator IDs to use.

Managing the Business Rules(Revision Management):

Has 3 envs in PROD (build-Sandbox, test-sandbox and prod).Revision Management enabled business users to make the change with the limited rules.

Post every release, AppOverlay reset will be done in the dev environment (PROD-AUTH). ie, new version of the app overlay will be created. Post creation, completed package will be deployed in business sandbox (Simulation) followed by PROD like regular BAU release.

·         AppOverlay release & package deployment as part of BAU release has to be explored.

·         The process to create a version & export is based on the dynamic case management process

·         As part of Revision management, CRs will be created by Revision Manager and the change will be implemented by Strategy Designer. Revision manager will approve/Reject the CR

New AppOverlay version will be installed like below:

·         The System Architect can use the revision activation landing page which can be found at Decisioning -> Infrastructure -> Revision Management -> Revisions.

·         These revisions are primarily used to implement the config parameter to alter the decision application behavior

·         To sendback the CR to the RevisionManager, use SendBack CR option incase any additional RuleSet access required.

·         Once you submit the Revision, jar package file will be generated. We need to download them.

·         To implement the changes in pre-prod & Prod environment, Decisioning -> Infrastructure -> Revision Management -> Revisions->Import revision

·         Select the Operator from the available list to test the changes for the selected operators before promoting the change.Decisioning -> Infrastructure -> Revision Management -> Revisions->"Activate" the change. Change will be activated to all the users. We can roll-back if needed

·         After activating the package, we need to logout and login again

Working with the Revision Management is 2 set process. 1. Create Revision. 2. Create CR. We can have more than 1 CR in a given Revision. Once Revision Submitted, Jar will be generated. If the change is not working, we can revert the change by doing "Roll-back", otherwise activate the Revision.

PEGA DSM - App Overlay

More details about app overlay setup is available at

Happy Learning!

PEGA Decisioning (DSM) - Strategy Design Patterns

Avoid Redundant Product Offers in PEGA Decisioning Strategy

To avoid the same product recommendation which customers own already, from PEGA we need to define the data relationship using DataFlow. For example, to cater to a use case where a customer owns multiple products and details of all products are available in a Product master table. So, there is a one-to-one relationship between the ProductHoldings and Product entities.

Now to implement the business case discussed (Filter the products already owned by the customer), you must filter out the products already owned by the customer. For this, you use a strategy pattern that is composed of three components: Data Import, Data Join and Filter, we can filter out the products which customer is holding already.  DataImport+DataJoin+Filter is the Strategy design pattern used to achieve.


Making NBA more relevant using Interaction History - Learn from IH (Interaction History)

Update the Strategy to include a component that retrieves Interaction History data for previous phone offers. We then filter out phone offers for customers that have accepted a phone offer in the past. We can of course make the filtering process much more sophisticated by considering phone upgrades, etc. But for the sake of our demonstration, we will keep the strategy simple; anyone who has been made a phone offer within the last 120 days will not be made another phone offer of any kind. IH+GroupBy+Filter is the Strategy pattern used to prevent Redundant offer recommendation in PEGA Strategy logic.

Interaction History Data model in PEGA7 & Extending the IH Data Model

Interaction History users STAR schema (Inherited from Cordiant framework) uses 1 FACT table and 8 Dimensions table. DIM table always has non-duplicate reference records which can be referred in FACT table using PK-FK relationship. IH table stores all Interactions in IH Tables through pegaDATA schema.


For more details, refer the PDN article-


We can also extend the PEGA’s IH table. Below PDN reference article has all the needed information -


The process of extending the Interaction History layer in your application consists of the following steps:

1.        Adding columns in a database table

a.        Write a alter sql statement to alter the IH Table

2.        Adding extensions in application rulesets

a.       Perform the following actions to extend Interaction History with the HandleTime property for the call center application:

                                                               i.      Add a new property HandleTime of type Integer to the Data-Decision-IH-Fact data model in the application ruleset of the call center application.

                                                              ii.      Add the HandleProperty to the SR class of the call center application.

                                                            iii.      Override the pyInteractionHistoryConfiguration data transform in Data-Decision-IH-Configuration for the call center ruleset:

1.        Add a Set action and set Primary.pyFactProperties(<APPEND>) to "HandleTime".

2.        Add a Set action and set Primary.pyMeasurements(<APPEND>) to "HandleTime". This step is necessary so that you can use the property as a KPI.

3.        Enable the Call superclass data transform setting.


Happy Learning!


Pega Decisioning Consultant - Mission Test Quiz & Answers

The Pega Certified Decisioning Consultant (PCDC) certification is for professionals participating in the design and development of a Pega ...